No Ad Billboard (a tribute to Dan Flavin), caisson lumineux biface, néon jaune
No Ad Billboard , impression jet d'encre sur panneau électroluminescent
‘Things being whatever it is they happen to be, all we can know about them is derived directly from how they appear.’
Mel Bochner, ‘Serial Art, Systems, Solipsism’, in Arts Magazine, summer 1967 (republished in Minimal Art: a Critical Anthology, G. Battcock, New York/E. P. Dutton & Co, 1968)
Fionna Banner - Cécile Paris - Jesper Just - Oliver Pietsch -
Priscilla Monge - Claude Closky - Pierre Ardouvin - Xavier Veilhan - Nathan Coley - Noël Dolla - Vincent Olinet - Rune Guneriussen - François Paire - Mark Wallinger - François-Xavier Courrèges - Gilles Stassart - Mélanie Manchot - Doug Aitken - Kimsooja - Sylvie Fleury - Gilles Barbier -
Janet Cardiff - Patrick Bernatchez - Michel de Broin - Hugues Reip - Eric Duyckaerts - Margarita Gluzberg - Sarkis
Sandy Amerio - Francis Baudevin - Raphaël Boccanfuso - Daniel Chust Peters - Daniel Firman - Nicolas Floch' - Elodie Lesourd - Serge Lhermitte - Sheena Macrae - Arnaud Magueet - Jonathan Monk - François Paire - Pierre Petit - Pascal Pinaud - Claude Rutault - Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié - Stefan ShanKland - Simon Starling -Tatiana Trouvé